US and Australia Strengthen Indo-Pacific Security Cooperation in 2024 Policy Dialogue

In the latest development of their annual Strategic Policy Dialogue (SPD), the United States and Australia convened in Honolulu on February 27, 2024. Established in 2019, the SPD serves as a crucial platform for both nations to collaboratively address deterrence, arms control, and the preservation of regional stability in the Indo-Pacific.
Co-chaired by Mallory Stewart, Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, and Stability, Department of State, and Dr. Vipin Narang, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy, the U.S. delegation engaged in discussions with their Australian counterparts, led by Sarah deZoeten, First Assistant Secretary Defence and National Security Policy, and Sheridan Kearnan, First Assistant Secretary Strategic Policy.
The dialogue underscored the commitment of the United States and Australia to enhancing security and stability in the Indo-Pacific. Both nations pledged to intensify coordination on diplomatic endeavors and the integration of defense efforts, aiming for a peaceful, stable, and prosperous region. Arms control and risk reduction prospects in the Indo-Pacific were explored, with an emphasis on increased transparency and substantive engagement to minimize the risk of unintended escalation or conflict.
Moreover, the significance of multilateral diplomacy and regional institutions, including the ASEAN Regional Forum and the Pacific Islands Forum, was highlighted. The dialogue marks the fifth installment since its establishment, emphasizing its continued value as a policy forum for reinforcing U.S.-Australian collaboration on security priorities in the Indo-Pacific, particularly focusing on extended deterrence. As the geopolitical landscape evolves, this strategic partnership aims to contribute to the overall peace and prosperity of the Indo-Pacific region.